5 Minute workouts |Seven exercises to transform your whole body in four weeks.


5 Minute workout |Seven exercises to transform your whole body in four weeks.

5 Minute workout

Seven exercises to transform your whole body in four weeks.

 Do you want to get the shape and tone of your muscles in a month?

 Here is the only set of exercises you need. You don’t have to spend money on a gym or equipment.

 All you need is willpower and ten minutes a day. We also have an incredibly effective four-week plan for your workout. She works for us. It can be a miracle for you too. Check it and follow all the instructions carefully!

5 Minute workout

5 minute workout at home

 Number one – exercise Plank is a static exercise in which the rule is to hold your body properly.Keep your back and legs straight without twisting or twisting. For starters, let’s hold on for at least 15 seconds.

 If you hold the “board” (posture) correctly, the exercise will work on the abdomen, back, thighs, legs and arms.

 Are you ready to try? Hold the board for 15 seconds. 15. Good! By the way, the board also improves posture and overall muscle tone.

5 Minute workout

 Number two – push-ups (“board” position with outstretched arms) The starting position is a board with outstretched arms. From there, bend your elbows as far as you can. Make sure the back,the pelvis and legs form a straight line. Slowly return to starting position. Let’s take five steps to get started. Just for starters. 1 2 3 4 and the last 5.Was it easy for you? If so, you can do more. The pressure affects the chest, arms and abdominal muscles.

5 minute workout at home

 Number three: thighs and seat workout.

 First, stand on all fours. Stretch your left leg and right arm in a straight line. Slowly bend them and touch your right elbow to your left knee. He stood up again Then you have to change arms and legs. Now stretch your right leg and left arm in a straight line.

 Touch your left elbow to your right knee.

 He stood up again. Very good! This exercise is good for your torso and thigh muscles. It also strengthens most of the back muscles, thighs and lower back.

5 minute workout at home

 Number four :squats Place your feet shoulder-width apart, standing on his whole leg. Sit in an imaginary chair, with your knees and legs in line. Keep your back straight.Maintain your balance by raising your arms in front of you. Recover as slowly as possible. Squats strengthen the muscles of the thighs and ankles. Let’s repeat it five times to begin with. 1, 2, be sure to keep your back straight,

5 minute workout for beginners at home

 Number five – an exercise for perfect abdominal musclesThis exercise strengthens the core muscles and burns fat due to the dynamics.Lie on your back with your arms outstretched above your head and your legs bent at the knees.Slowly lift your upper body with your arms straight and touch your toes. Return to starting position Want to try it together? Okay, let’s do it five times. 1 2, do it very slowly, 3, 4 and 5. Good! There are only two exercises left.

5 minute workout for beginners at home

5 minute workout for beginners at home

 Number six – abdominal muscles and buttocks. Let’s see how to do it. Place your arms and legs to feel the tension in your back. Raise one leg as high as you can.

 Lower your upper body without lifting the second heel off the floor. You do it well.

 Lower your upper body without lifting your heel off the floor. Lower your upper body without raising the second heel. Great, let’s move on to the last exercise.

5 minute workout for beginners at home

 Number seven  the waist. Lie face down on the floor with your arms bent at the elbow and placed under your head Lift your upper body as far as you can. Stay in this position for a second. Slowly return to starting position. Let’s repeat it five times to tone and strengthen the spinal muscles. 1 Lift your upper body as far as possible. Hold for a second. Relax. 2. Do the same. 3. Remember to do the exercise very slowly. 4 5 Very good! Now, here is a complete 4-week workout plan for you.

 Follow it regularly and your body will become completely in a month.

Week 1.Do the following sets of exercises for six days.

 Plank – two minutes, rest for ten seconds. push-ups – one minute, rest for ten seconds.

 Thighs and hips – one minute, rest for ten seconds. Squats – one minute, rest for ten seconds.abdominal muscles – one minute, rest for ten seconds. Absorption and hips – one minute, rest for ten seconds.Waist – two minutes, rest for ten seconds.

 week 2. ra Plank – three minutes, rest for 15 seconds. push-ups – three minutes, rest for 15 seconds. Thighs and hips – three minutes, leave for 15 seconds Squats – three minutes, rest for 15 seconds. Abdominal muscles – three minutes, rest for 15 seconds.

 Abdominal muscles and buttocks – three minutes, rest for 15 seconds. Waist – three minutes, rest for 15 seconds.

 For the third week, repeat the plan for the 1st week. And for the fourth week, repeat the plan for the second week.