Morning Meditation

 Morning Meditation

Morning Meditation

guided morning meditation 

Good morning, welcome to another beautiful day on this earth May we take the next 10 minutes and gift ourselves a moment of internal connection to the energy that is within us Let’s begin today by taking a comfortable seated position on your mat or on the floor legs crossed in front of you Let us rest our hands in her lap elbows relaxedClose your eyes and take this opportunity to simply connect with your breath Inhale.

. And Exhale Let us welcome this beautiful new day that has come upon us Waking up to the feeling of being alive Grateful to be here To be able to breathe to feel,

10 minute morning meditation

10 minute morning meditation

. And To be in the presence of the Sun the moon and the earth Inhale And exhale

Breathing in peace breathing in calm Breathing in love joy compassion.

.Feel the sensations of each breath that you take How it supports you How it supports your body your life With your exhale open your heart to gratitude Thank you for being here Thank you for taking this time to disconnect and reconnect to that deeper vibration and frequency that pulses within you The frequency of love Freedom joy

Kindness compassion Breathe in And let it go Give yourself permission to let go deeper into this beautiful meditative state.

Feeling the sensations of your body and mind and letting go Letting go of what’s to come today in?

Morning Meditation

.Simply finding an opportunity to give thanks for the sprat this moment in this life Inhale Exhale Open yourself to whatever comes through this meditation Whenever you catch your mind beginning to think of the future of the next moment Bring it back to yourself through that connection to the breath of life Inhale.

.And exhale May this day be a clean slate for your mind or your being For your actions and for your thoughts May this day bring you peace and an opportunity to start anew Breathing and welcome the beautiful renewed energy that is within you and all around you In,

guided morning meditation

.And out Feel the energy Feel the breath Feel this moment And in this state of true presence and blissful awareness let us gently introduce a morning mantra to manifest and Welcome positive and healing energy to guide us through the day to come

Repeating this mantra in your mind or simply using it if you begin to feel your mind wandering off into thought worry.

.Today is a beautiful day of opportunity. I am exactly where I need to be I Open myself to the universe and trust in the unfolding of my life Today is a beautiful day of opportunity. I am exactly where I need to be I Open myself to the universe and trust in the unfolding of my life Repeat this mantra as much as you like or Simply enjoy this moment of stillness and connection to all that you are Today is a beautiful day of opportunity. I am exactly where I need to be I Open myself to the universe and Trust and the unfolding of my life.

.Now it’s time to slowly come back to our breath Inhale and exhale Slowly returning to your body To your mantra to yourself Take a deep breath in and let it go Feel your body

Feel your love your presence Feel your energy that is vibrating within you Filling you with positive or radiant light to continue the rest of your day Reminding you that no matter how your day may unfold today.

guided morning meditation

This beautiful peaceful energy is here with you at all times.You simply need to find a moment to still the mind and reconnect to it whenever you need it. It’s here for you. always by your side One with you and the universeThank you so much for being here

Reconnecting with yourself and the higher energy that exists within you May you have a beautiful rest of your day from my heart to yours.