Indian diet plan to lose weight in 10 days

 Indian diet plan to lose weight in 10 days

Indian diet plan to lose weight in 10 days

.Hey guys today i am sharing a full day vegetarian diet which is a friendly thyroid diet this diet plan will help you lose seven to ten pounds in just ten days.

. I have customized this diet plan to suit the Indian taste and use it easily

and inexpensive ingredients this is a completely sugar-free diet and that means no sugar for 10 days you can have coffee or tea if you like but without added sugar and no more than one to two cups a day this diet plan has the necessary nutrients and can last after 10 days.

Indian diet plan to lose weight in 10 days

10 kg weight loss challenge

. I have divided this diet into three main meals and two small meals so you will not feel hungry all day using only the required amount of natural fats.

and that means there is no 10 day pure oil other than natural oils that I use in this diet plan this program will only give you the results you want if you do not cheat for 10 days take this diet plan as a challenge to reduce this refined essential oil and processed foods

let’s start your day.

Indian diet plan to lose weight in 10 days

 with lemon juice in a glass pour warm water please half a lemon and add 1 tbsp honey and stir well into

this on an empty stomach this drink will help speed up your metabolic rate throughout the day with those who drink my turmeric tea or apple cider vinegar.

Indian diet plan to lose weight in 10 days

breakfast the most important dinner of the day which is one meal that lasts all day so don’t skip breakfast

and note that breakfast should be after 30 to 40 minutes of morning poisoning serving a sliced ​​banana bowl and some fresh pomegranate seeds banana is rich in nutrients and rich in potassium vitamin b6 and low glycemic index fiber and index low glycemic banana.

. ensures blood sugar Increases low and stable bananas are an important fruit of healthy gromegranate seeds that contain a variety of antioxidants and bioactive polyphenols that promote heart health including healthy blood pressure levels of vitamins and minerals

fruits help the thyroid gland to function properly and produce more thyroid hormone.

Indian diet plan to lose weight in 10 days

. so I highly recommend you add fresh fruit to your diet especially the annual fruit of your area which is why this bowl of banana and pomegranate seeds will not only nourish your thyroid but also keep you healthy

fully until the next meal and make sure you keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

. you can also drink my fat qatar and make sure you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water with a bowl of homemade icing or yogurt as a lunch now in a bowl add to the reconstituted curd added to other meringue olives you can also use

chopped coriander leaves curry leaves or mint leaves instead and crunch sprinkle with some pomegranate seeds.

. and remember that no salt should be added to this healthy and nutritious lunch

with roti sweet potato chutney and drizzle of curd or yogurt this is a filling and nutritious meal with green chutney and potatoes. have a few dried fruits for dinner you can have a handful of whole fruits or mix 2 to 3 dried fruits if you have days remember to limit 2 or 3 now if you have Tyrod problems you do not have nuts this meal as you will have at your next meal remember.

 that a small handful is what you are allowed to have so don’t just indulge in dried fruit and this.

10 kg weight loss challenge

. you can have your own green tea tea or even your favorite freshly brewed water you should have at 7:00 pm if you are traveling at this time please plan ahead and pack your dinner is a traditional Indian poha bow also known as Malayalam poha steamed rice also known as metal

Malayalam is light on the stomach and keeps you full for a long time.

. it is easy to digest completely gluten free and is a good source of fast energy for it

and provides vitamin b1 and zinc

iron and magnesium if you have anemic or have thyroid problems poha should definitely be in your diet now to make upma first you need to immerse yourself.

10 kg weight loss challenge

. poha Oroville and so I added one cup of poha to a strainer I use red or brown oval or poha you can use any type you can find in your area red or white it doesn’t matter and in this recipe I use a variety of thick hand now pour more water and light rims allow it to stay in the filter so that more water is drawn while you prepare the rest

ingredients for making poha burn pan or kadai add 1/4 cup of nuts and roast lightly in medium flame nuts which are a rich source of plant protein fiber nutrients and healthy fats.

Dry on medium heat and when the nuts are roasted remove from the pan and set aside now add 1 tablespoon coconut oil to the same pan and when the oil is hot add 1/2 TSP mustard seeds and 1/3 TSP fenugreek seeds when it starts to sprinkle add to the whole red chili one curry plant leaves 2 chopped green peppers and allow this to simmer on low heat until the onions are lightly browned when the onion is clear add to 1/2 TSP powder turmeric blends well

then add 1 grated carrot and 1/4 chopped capsicum you can add any vegetables you like.

vegetarian diet to lose 10kgs in 10 days

vegetarian diet to lose 10kgs in 10 days

. any seasonal vegetables will work well again in 1/2 TSP Himalayan pink so cover it and let it cook for about two minutes the moisture on the cover will help to cook and moisten the vegetables so after about two minutes open the lid and mix well and add to the poha folded and rolled with your hands and mix well for about one minute again

then add the fried nuts, squeeze half the lemon mixture well and extinguish the flame poha healthy and easy ready to serve

try this diet plan.